
Eligator 100% Platinum Whey 2Kg (With Sachets) | Exp Date – JULY 2025

🎯Authorized Brand - Workout Energy Fitness Solutions Private Limited

🚚Fast Shipping Average time: 1-3 days for Delhi-NCR or 3-5 days rest of India - FREE Delivery on orders > ₹500.

💯Genuine Products are directly procured from the authorized importers of the brand.

  • 100% Platinum Whey 2 kg with sachet is a whey protein supplement by Eligator Nutrition.
  • It is a healthy and tasty nutraceutical supplement with fast digestion, great mixability, and amino acids for quick recovery.
  • Each sachet of 30 grams contains 20 grams of whey protein.
  • The post-workout supplement is available in tasty flavors like milk chocolate and mango
  • The platinum whey protein maximizes performance, boosts immunity, and supports muscle growth and recovery.
  • Each box has a 67 servings in sachets.
  • The platinum whey is best taken with 180- 200 ml of water or skimmed milk.
SKU: EG_WPCP Category: Tag:

Original price was: ₹5,150.00.Current price is: ₹3,100.00.

🎯Authorized Brand - Workout Energy Fitness Solutions Private Limited

🚚Fast Shipping Average time: 1-3 days for Delhi-NCR or 3-5 days rest of India - FREE Delivery on orders > ₹500.

💯Genuine Products are directly procured from the authorized importers of the brand.

Eligator 100% Platinum Whey Protein

100% Whey Protein Powder for men

Eligator 100% Platinum Whey is a premium whey protein and post-workout supplement for effective results. The new improved formula aims at maximizing results to attain the desired fitness goals. It is designed to support muscle growth and elevate workouts for athletes and fitness freaks. The platinum whey also acts as a post-workout recovery agent pumping energy and ease to keep going all day. The 100% Platinum Whey by Eligator holds several benefits for individuals consuming the clean and authentic protein supplement. It increases the feeling of fullness leading to weight management, it boosts immunity, maximizes performance, and enables quick recovery. The post-workout supplement also fulfills the nutrient deficiency in individuals that support muscle growth.


best whey protein

workout fitness gym

Fitness Nutrition


Eligator Platinum Whеy Protеin providеs thе idеal combination of amino acids to support musclе growth. By consuming our protеin powdеr rеgularly, you can еnhancе your musclе-building potеntial and achiеvе your fitnеss goals fastеr.


Wе takе pridе in offеring you a prеmium quality whеy protеin powdеr that undеrgoеs rigorous quality chеcks to еnsurе purity and еffеctivеnеss.


Our whеy protеin powdеr is dеsignеd to support your post-workout rеcovеry. It hеlps rеplеnish your musclеs with thе nutriеnts thеy nееd aftеr intеnsе еxеrcisе, rеducing musclе sorеnеss and promoting fastеr rеcovеry.


Prеparе your protеin shakе еffortlеssly. Just mix a scoop with your favoritе bеvеragе, and you’rе good to go. It’s convеniеnt, tasty, and pеrfеct for your activе lifеstylе.

Muscle building formula

All about of 100% Platinum Whey

  • The 100% Platinum Whey by Eligator is a supreme, high-quality, clean whey protein supplement for athletes, fitness enthusiasts, and other individuals who lack protein or other nutrients due to dietary restrictions.
  • Available in tasty flavors like milk chocolate, Mango, Nepolitean Ice -Cream, and Rose Malai, the platinum whey is best taken with 180- 200 ml of water or skimmed milk.
  • Each scoop is a blend of protein, essential amino acids, no trans fat, and no sugar to support every individual’s fitness goal. Fast digestion and great mixability in tasteful flavor make this supplement one of the best platinum whey available in the market.
  • Each scoop is 30 grams and contains 20 grams of whey protein. If you wish to take 2 scoops ensure to mix it in 360 ml- 400ml of water or skimmed milk.
  • It is best recommended to consume after a workout however the advice of a healthcare professional would be most befitting.
Weight 2 kg

Chocolate, Mango


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