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Welcome to SAN NUTRITION PRIVATE LIMITED (Doctor’s Choice), your source for all ‘Supplements and Vitamins’ needs. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best quality of supplement products, with a focus on compositions that will work 100%, scientifically designed and formulated with natural ingredients. Our company was founded on the principles that you must never settle for the second best.
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Our products are designed and formulated by a team of International researchers, keeping in mind the needs of an athlete, fitness freak and a gym goer.
Important information
Safety Information:
Keep out of reach of children.
4 tablets 15-30 minutes before exercise and on non-training days, take 3 tablets, 30minutes after any meal (“Increase daily water intake upto 5-6 litres for maximum results”)
L-Arginine Alpha-Ketoglutrate, L-Arginine Proglutmate, L-Arginine HCL, Ashwagandha(Withania somnifera), Safed Muesli (Chlorophytum Borivilanum), Tribulus Terrestris, Glutamine, Vitamin C, Creatine monohydrate, Creatine nytrate, Creatine HCL
4 tablets to be taken on Training Days & 3 tablets to be taken on Non-Training days; 30 minutes after every meal ( Do increase your water intake upto 5-6 litres for maximum results)
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