- HIGH CALORIES – While other mass gainers provides 3480 calories, Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is formulated to deliver highest calorie 3834 kcal per serving for optimum weight gain.
- SCIENTIFIC FORMULATION : A unique balanced formulation of easy to absorb proteins- 20g, complex carbohydrates – 66.6g, Fats – 8g and 52 essential nutrients – 11 Natural herbs, 12 Minerals, 11 Bio Fermented Vitamins and added Glutamine
- VEG & SAFE TO USE – Patanjali Nutrela Weight gain has no side effects and is 100% vegetarian wight gainer. Comes with LAB REPORT from NABL Govt. Accredited lab which can be downloaded post purchase .
- IDEAL FOR : Patanjali Nutrela Weight Gain is ideal for teenagers, young women and men, who wants to achieve a healthy and attractive physique
- NATURAL INGREDIENTS : GMO Free, Gluten Free, No banned Substance Added, No Doping Ingredients Added (as per WADA/NADA), No Preservatives
- AUTHENTIC – Scan the QR code for Nutrela Sandesh and check hologram for authenticity
Original price was: ₹550.00.₹440.00Current price is: ₹440.00.

🎯Authorized Brand - Workout Energy Fitness Solutions Private Limited
🚚Fast Shipping Average time: 1-3 days for Delhi-NCR or 3-5 days rest of India - FREE Delivery on orders > ₹500.
💯Genuine Products are directly procured from the authorized importers of the brand.
Weight | N/A |
Flavor | Banana |
Packing | 33 Servings |
Weight | 500 gm |
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The product information provided here is for reference only. We cannot guarantee 100% accuracy of images, description or any other data with the actual physical product. Cross-check product related information, content and label from the brand customer care before ordering. Consult your doctor or nutritionist before consuming any product.
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