
Bull Pharm Androbol Muscle Builder 30_CAPS [ EXPIRY DATE – JUN. 2025 ]

🎯Authorized Brand - Workout Energy Fitness Solutions Private Limited

🚚Fast Shipping Average time: 1-3 days for Delhi-NCR or 3-5 days rest of India - FREE Delivery on orders > ₹500.

💯Genuine Products are directly procured from the authorized importers of the brand.

Safe, Powerful and Effective – Androbol acts as a natural anabolic enhancer that builds high density muscles, helps build strength and lean muscle. More importantly, it can give you back the confidence you need for better physical and mental performance at work, at home, and the GYM. This exclusive, premium formula helps to maximize your workouts so you can grind through any plateau you hit and build that buff, shredded physique you have always dreamed of, without the use of dangerous stimulants. With that added pump comes a boost in testosterone levels, which can result in larger, more dense muscles, less belly fat and higher energy levels. But that’s not all — the full set of results you can get from this mighty formula include:

Original price was: ₹5,999.00.Current price is: ₹3,600.00.

🎯Authorized Brand - Workout Energy Fitness Solutions Private Limited

🚚Fast Shipping Average time: 1-3 days for Delhi-NCR or 3-5 days rest of India - FREE Delivery on orders > ₹500.

💯Genuine Products are directly procured from the authorized importers of the brand.

2X Greater Improvement in Muscle Endurance
4X Greater Improvement in Muscle Size
5.6X Greater Improvement in Upper Body Strength
5X Greater Improvement in Lower Body Strength

About this item

SKY ROCKET MUSCLE GROWTH : Power through weightlifting with Laxogenin and boost intensity.

GET BIGGER AND STRONGER FASTER: Real muscle builder and lean muscle gainer to get super results

ESSENTIAL FOR MUSCLE GROWTH: Testosterone is the primary hormonal driver of muscle growth; In fact, when it comes to fitness, muscle growth and body composition, normal testosterone levels are essential for you to succeed at your fitness goals.

MANUFACTURED IN THE USA IN cGMP CERTIFIED FACILITY: Every BullPharm product is manufactured in the USA in a state-of-the-art cGMP-certified facility with stringent quality control standards. Each bottle of ANDROBOL contains proper potency and passes rigorous purity testing.

BACKED BY SCIENCE: Trusted by professional athletes and fitness experts worldwide. Contains extensively tested and researched ingredients.


Weight 1 kg

30 Servings


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